
Saturday, November 5, 2011


Sometimes, I just try to do what I can.
But it seems like what I can do is not what others want.

Sometimes, I just try to do my best.
But it seems like the best that I can do is not enough.

Sometimes, I try not to show off.
But it seems like there is a tendency for others,
and for me also, to think that I am prideful.
And it is very dreadful to feel so.

Sometimes, I just try to work things out for everyone.
But it seems like not everyone wants to work it out,

Sometimes, I just try to follow the protocols.
But it seems like things are going against it. 

Sometimes, I just try to ask in proper way.
But it seems like what I get is just a false promise.

Sometimes, I just try to understand someone.
But it seems like so hard to reach,
and they don't really care also.

Sometimes, I just try to be kind.
But it seems like others respond in a way that,
I am just an answering machine.

Sometimes, I just try to understand  why are they doing it.
But it seems like what they do is always contradicting themselves,
and make no sense out of it.

Sometimes, I just try to get away from it.
But it seems like they keep coming back to you,

Sometimes, I just try to forget about it,
But it seems like the more you try to forget,
the more you will remember it.

Sometimes, I just try to find someone to pour out my problems.
But it seems like there is only one person that I can talk to,
and his age is triple of mine.

I just don't understand why,
and I just don't know what to do,
or how to do.

Is it because I didn't try my best?
Or is it because I am just trying to go through it?
Or is it because I didn't do it out of love?
Or is it because I didn't trust God?
I don't know,
I really don't know.

* * *

我缓缓飘落 海的那边 星光的草原
  却已找不到我 流过的一滴泪

我默默追寻昨天的我 最远到哪里 


我怎么疯狂 怎么悲伤 没有人了解
最想念的季节 最初的那一天
我爱说的梦 你爱的歌 往事如云烟

停在那一年 雨最大那一天
最想念的季节 有人记得吗?


想過要將就一點 ,卻發現將就更難。

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