Source: Desiring God
Good Friday is not the darkness that must necessarily yield to light.
It is not the winter sleep that contains and nourishes the seed of life
within. It is the day on which human beings — human beings who wanted
to be like gods — kill the God who became human, the love that became
person; the day on which the Holy One of God, that is, God himself,
dies, truly dies — voluntarily and yet because of human guilt — without
any seed of life remaining in him in such a way that God’s death might
resemble sleep.
Good Friday is not, like winter, a transitional stage — no, it is
genuinely the end, the end of guilty humanity and the final judgment
that humanity has pronounced upon itself. . . .
If God’s history among human beings had ended on Good Friday, then
the final pronouncement over humankind would be guilt, rebellion, the
unfettering of all titanic human forces, a storming of heaven by human
beings, godlessness, godforsakenness, but then ultimately
meaninglessness and despair. Then your faith is futile. Then you are
still in your guilt. Then we are of all people most to be pitied. That
is, the final word would be the human being.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Good Friday sermon of 1928 -