
Thursday, May 3, 2012

What does a year means for you?

A year is enough to change a digit on the calender.
A year is enough for everyone to change their age (in years).
A year is enough for a student to finish an academic year.
A year is enough for a company to come out with a new smartphone.
A year is enough for an artist to come out with a new album.
A year is enough for everyone to finish reading the Bible.
A year is enough for a teacher to teach the Book of Romans.
A year is enough for someone to go through the Amazing Grace Bible Study.
A year is enough for family to have a new life (40 weeks). 
A year is enough for a HO to finish half of his housemanship.
A year is enough for a TB patient to finish the full course of anti-TB treatment.
A year is enough for a person having HBsAg to be declared having chronic hepatitis B (>6 months).
A year is enough for a person excreting Salmonella typhi to be declared as carrier of typhoid fever.

So many things can happen in a year.
What does a year means for you?
But does it really need more than a year for someone to read and reply what you wrote? 

 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: 
With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, 
and a thousand years are like a day.
2 Peter 3:8

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